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Below you can find example code which uses the OLShac function. That function estimates a linear model using OLS. Results are returned in a structure out. Amongst the results are White standard errors and Newey-West standard errors. From the comments in OLShac you can see the exact specifications of all outputs. See OLShac below.


In this code we simulate artificial data. We do so to establish the properties of t-tests based on different standard errors. The code simulates three different processes, one with error terms that meet the Gauss-Markov assumptions, another with heteroskedastic and another with autocorrelated error terms. In order to simulate autocorrelated we use another function armasim, which is attached to the end of this file.

% In here we 
% 1) simulate three different processes
%       a) regression model with that meets GM assumptions
%       b) regression model with heteroskedastic errors
%       c) regression model with AC errors
% 2) Perform parameter inference using normal, White and NW se
% 3) Evaluate whether tests have correct size

function main
clc     % Clears the command window
randn('state',123467);      % ensures that random number generator starts with same random number

% Parameters for DGP
% y = x*b + u
n       = 200;                     % length of the simulated series
nsim    = 10000;                    % number of simulations
x       = [ones(n,1) randn(n,2)];   % constant and two randomly generated series
b       = [0.5; 1.0; -0.5];         % true parameter vector
sig     = 0.1;                      % standard deviation of error terms

% Parameters for the AR error terms
p = 1;      % AR order
q = 1;      % MA order
% process parameters
alpha = 0.0;
phi   = [0.9];
theta = [0.7];
sigar = 0.1;    % standard error of innovation term

% save t-stats for DGP with GM errors here, col1: OLS se, Col2: White,
% Col3: NW; only safe results for b(2)
tsave = zeros(nsim,3);

% simulate model with GM (gmerr), heteroskedatic (hserr) or
% autocorrelated (arerr) errors
for i = 1 : nsim
%     gmerr = randn(n,1)*sig;                             % GM errors
%     hserr = [randn(n/2,1)*sig;randn(n/2,1)*(sig/5)];    % heterosk errors
    arerr = armasim(n,p,q,alpha,phi,theta,sigar);         % AR errors
    y = x*b + arerr;                                      % DGP with selected errors
    results = OLShac(y,x,0);        % estimate and save results in "results"
    bmb0 = results.b(2) - b(2);     % difference of estimated value from true value
    tsave(i,:) = [bmb0/results.bse(2) bmb0/results.wh_bse(2) bmb0/results.nw_bse(2)];

cv5  = norminv(0.975);   % 2 tailed 5% cv, Normal
cv1  = norminv(0.995);   % 2 tailed 1% cv, Normal
cv5t = tinv(0.975,n-length(b));   % 2 tailed 5% cv, t-Distr
cv1t = tinv(0.995,n-length(b));   % 2 tailed 1% cv, t-Distr

count5 = (abs(tsave(:,2:3))>cv5);    % 1 if test stat exceed cv, 0 otherwise
count1 = (abs(tsave(:,2:3))>cv1);    % 1 if test stat exceed cv, 0 otherwise
count5 = [(abs(tsave(:,1))>cv5t) count5];
count1 = [(abs(tsave(:,1))>cv1t) count1];

prop5 = sum(count5)./nsim; % proportion of rejections of true H0 at 5%
prop1 = sum(count1)./nsim; % proportion of rejections of true H0 at 1%

disp('Rejections for standard OLS, White and NW based t-tests');
disp('   OLS       White       NW');
disp('at 5%');
disp('at 1%');


This is the armasim function. Either copy it below the above file (as it is written as a function you can do that), or you can save it in a new function file with the name armasim.m.

function y = armasim(t,p,q,al,ph,th,si);
% Function that simulates ARMA(p,q) process of
% input:    t length series to be simulated
%           p, AR order
%           q, MA order
%           al, constant
%           ph, AR parameters [ph(1); ph(2); ...; ph(p)]
%           th, MA parameters [th(1); th(2); ...; th(q)]
% y(t) = al + ph(1)*y(t-1) + ... + ph(p)*y(t-p)
%           + th(1)*eps(t-1) + ... + th(q)*eps(t-q) + eps(t)
% where eps(t) comes from ~N(0,si^2)

eps     = randn(t+100,1)*si;% error terms, 100 extra for startup
maxlag  = max([p;q]);        % find max lag
if sum(ph)==1
    um = 1;
    um = al/(1-sum(ph));   % unconditional mean

fph     = flipud(ph);       % reversed AR parameter vector
fth     = flipud(th);       % reversed MA parameter vector
y = ones(t+100,1)*um;         % in here we safe the series, start with unconditional mean

if p>0 & q>0    % ARMA model

    for i = maxlag+1:t+100
        y(i) = al + y(i-p:i-1)'*fph + eps(i-q:i-1)'*fth + eps(i);

elseif p>0 & q==0   % AR Model
    for i = maxlag+1:t+100
        y(i) = al + y(i-p:i-1)'*fph + eps(i);

elseif p==0 & q>0   % MA model 

    for i = maxlag+1:t+100
        y(i) = al + eps(i-q:i-1)'*fth + eps(i);

else    % White noise process

    for i = maxlag+1:t+100
        y(i) = al + eps(i);
y = y(101:end);

An example output of this code (using autocorrelated error terms) is as follows:

   OLS       White       NW
at 5%
    0.0243    0.0299    0.0455

at 1%
    0.0021    0.0039    0.0079

As we are testing the size of the tests (testing a correct null hypothesis) you can see that the empirical sizes are closest to the nominal sizes (0.05 and 0.01) for the t-test using the Newey-West standard errors.


This is a function that estimates a linear model with OLS. The results are all returned in a structure. Save this as a new function file called OLShac.m.

function out = OLShac(y,x,output,B);
% This function performs an OLS estimation
% input:    y, vector with dependent variable
%           x, matrix with explanatory variable 
%               function will automatically add a constant if the first col
%               is not a vector  of ones
%           output, 1 = printed output
%           B, lag lengths for Newey-West standard errors
% output:   Structure called OLS with the following elements:
%           .b, estimated parameters
%           .bse, standard errors for bhat
%           .wh_bse, White standard errors for bhat
%           .nw_bse, Newey-West standard errors for bhat
%           .res, estimated residuals
%           .n, number of observations used
%           .rss, residual sum of squares
%           .r2, Rsquared

% This checks how many inputs have been provided and chooses defaults for
% missing inputs
switch nargin
    case 2
        output = 1;
        B = 0;  % will later be replaced by default value
    case 3
        B = 0;  % will later be replaced by default value
    case 4
        % nothing
        error('2 to 4 inputs are required!')

% select those rows that have observations for all variables
ninit = length(y);
testnan = [isnan(y) isnan(x)];
testnan = (sum(testnan,2)==0);
y = y(testnan);
x = x(testnan,:);
% test whether first column is vector of ones
temp = (x(x(:,1)==1));
if length(temp) ~= length(x)
  x = [ones(length(x),1) x];  % add constant of not included in x

[n,k] = size(x);        % sample size - n, number of explan vars (incl constant) - k   
xxi   = inv(x'*x);      

n     = n;
b     = xxi*x'*y;
res   = y - x*b;
rss   = res'*res;
ssq   = rss/(n-k);
s     = sqrt(ssq);
bse   = ssq*xxi;
bse   = sqrt(diag(bse));
tstat = b./bse;
ym    = y - mean(y);
r2    = 1 - (res'*res)/(ym'*ym);
adjr2 = 1 - (n-1)*(1-r2)/(n-k);
fstat = ((((ym'*ym))-(res'*res))/(k-1))/((res'*res)/(n-k));
dw    = corrcoef([res(1:end-1) res(2:end)]);
dw    = 2*(1-dw(2,1)); 

% calculation of robust standard errors

% White standard errors
resx  = repmat(res,1,size(x,2)).*x;
wh_vcm = xxi*(resx'*resx)*xxi;
wh_bse = sqrt(diag(wh_vcm));

% Newey-West standard errors
if B==0 % recalculate B only if not provided as input
    B = ceil(4*(n/100)^(2/9)); % This is the lag length in the Newey West calculation
xox = resx(1:end,:)'*resx(1:end,:);
for i = 1:B-1;
  w = 1-(i/B);
  za = resx(1+i:end,:)'*resx(1:end-i,:);
  xox = xox+w*(za+za');
nw_vcm = xxi*xox*xxi;
nw_bse = sqrt(diag(nw_vcm));

% Save the outputs
out.b      = b;
out.bse    = bse;
out.wh_bse = wh_bse;
out.nw_bse = nw_bse;
out.res    = res;
out.n      = n;
out.rss    = rss;
out.r2     = r2;

if output
pval  = 2*(1-tcdf(abs(tstat),n-k));    
pvalf = 1- fcdf(fstat,k-1,n-k);    
try      % if stats toolbox is available
    pval  = 2*(1-tcdf(abs(tstat),n-k));
    pvalf = 1- fcdf(fstat,k-1,n-k);
    try     % if NAG toolbox is available
        pval  = 2*(1-g01eb(abs(tstat),n-k));
        pvalf = g01ed(fstat,k-1,n-k,'tail','U');
        pval = -999*ones(size(tstat));
        pvalf = -999;
fprintf('===== Regression Output  ==================================\n');
fprintf('Obs used = %4.0f, missing obs = %4.0f \n',n,(ninit-n));
fprintf('Rsquared = %5.4f \n',r2);
fprintf('adj_Rsq  = %5.4f \n',adjr2);
fprintf('===== Estimated Model Parameters ==========================\n');
fprintf('=   Par       se      se(White)    se(NW)  ==================\n');
format short;
disp([b bse wh_bse nw_bse]);
fprintf('===== Model Statistics ====================================\n');
fprintf(' Fstat = %5.4f (%5.4f)\n',[fstat;pvalf]);
fprintf(' standard error = %5.4f\n',sqrt(ssq));
fprintf(' RSS = %5.4f\n',rss);
fprintf(' Durbin-Watson  = %5.4f\n',dw);