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This Section contains a number of codes that are used in the Maximum Likelihood Section.
This Section contains a number of codes that are used in the Maximum Likelihood Section.
== MLse ==
== MLse.m ==
This code simulates a linear model, estimates it by PLS and ML and calculates standard errors. For this code to run you need to have the following function accessible to MATLAB (i.e. in the same folder or on a pre-specified search path: OLSest, nll_lin, HessMp, gradp. You will also need the optimization toolbox. If you do not have access to the optimisation toolbox you can replace fminunc with fminsearch as the later is part of the main MATLAB software package.
This code simulates a linear model, estimates it by PLS and ML and calculates standard errors. For this code to run you need to have the following function accessible to MATLAB (i.e. in the same folder or on a pre-specified search path: OLSest, nll_lin, HessMp, gradp. You will also need the optimization toolbox. If you do not have access to the optimisation toolbox you can replace fminunc with fminsearch as the later is part of the main MATLAB software package.
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disp('  Est    se(OLS)    se(H)    se(J)    se(SW)');
disp('  Est    se(OLS)    se(H)    se(J)    se(SW)');
disp([betaopt [bse;0] se_H se_J se_SW]);
disp([betaopt [bse;0] se_H se_J se_SW]);
== nll_lin.m ==
This is the negative log likelihood function for a linear model. Save this as nll_lin.m.
function nll = nll_lin( theta, data , vec)
% input:    (i) theta, coef vector, last element is error sd
%          (ii), data matrix, col1: y cols2:end: explan. variables (incl constant)
%          (iii), 0 = if vector of loglikelihoods, and 1 if sum should be
%          returned
beta = theta(1:end-1);
sig  = abs(theta(end))+0.000001;    % this ensures a non-zero variance
y = data(:,1);
x = data(:,2:end);
res = y - x*beta;
nll = (-0.5)*(-log(2*pi)-log(sig^2)-(res.^2/(sig^2)));
if vec
    nll = sum(nll);

Revision as of 10:36, 18 October 2012

This Section contains a number of codes that are used in the Maximum Likelihood Section.


This code simulates a linear model, estimates it by PLS and ML and calculates standard errors. For this code to run you need to have the following function accessible to MATLAB (i.e. in the same folder or on a pre-specified search path: OLSest, nll_lin, HessMp, gradp. You will also need the optimization toolbox. If you do not have access to the optimisation toolbox you can replace fminunc with fminsearch as the later is part of the main MATLAB software package.

% Code to
% a) simulate linear model, y_i = 0.2 + 0.6 x_1i -1.5 x_2i + err_i
%       x_1i and x_s1 come from N(0,1)
%       err_i ~ N(0,sd^2)
% b) estimate it by OLS
% c) estimate ot by ML
% d) estimate different ML standard errors
% This code requires the following Functions:
% OLSest, nll_lin, HessMp, gradp
clear all

T   = 1000;                     % set sample size
b0  = [0.2; 0.6; -1.5];         % set parameter values
sd  = 0.5;                      % set error standard deviation
x   = [ones(T,1) randn(T,2)];   % simulate X matrix
err = randn(T,1)*sd;            % simulate error terms
y = x*b0 + err;                 % calculate y_i s

[b,bse,res,n,rss,r2] = OLSest(y,x,1);   % OLS estimation

datamat = [y x];                        % define data matrix for use in nll_lin
theta0 = [mean(y); 0; 0; std(y)];       % this sets the initial parameter vector
options = optimset; % sets optimisation options to default
[betaopt] = fminunc(@nll_lin,theta0,options,datamat,1);
H = HessMp(@nll_lin,betaopt,datamat,1); % this returns the negative of the Hessian
g = gradp(@nll_lin,betaopt,datamat,0);  % this returns a (T x size(theta0,1)) matrix of gradients
J = (g'*g);                             % calculates the OPG

se_H = sqrt(diag(inv(H)));
se_J = sqrt(diag(inv(J)));
se_SW = sqrt(diag(inv(H*inv(J)*H)));    % Sandwich variance covariance

disp('   Est     se(OLS)     se(H)     se(J)     se(SW)');
disp([betaopt [bse;0] se_H se_J se_SW]);


This is the negative log likelihood function for a linear model. Save this as nll_lin.m.

function nll = nll_lin( theta, data , vec)
% input:    (i) theta, coef vector, last element is error sd
%           (ii), data matrix, col1: y cols2:end: explan. variables (incl constant)
%           (iii), 0 = if vector of loglikelihoods, and 1 if sum should be
%           returned
beta = theta(1:end-1);
sig  = abs(theta(end))+0.000001;    % this ensures a non-zero variance
y = data(:,1);
x = data(:,2:end);
res = y - x*beta;
nll = (-0.5)*(-log(2*pi)-log(sig^2)-(res.^2/(sig^2)));

if vec
    nll = sum(nll);
