Below you can find functions that, inter alia, deliver an IV estimate, perform a Hausmann test on endogeneity and a Sargan test on instrument validity. More details on how to use these functions is provided in [IV].
This is the function that delivers IV parameter estimates. It will work for exactly and over-identified cases.
function [biv,bse,r2] = IVest(y,x,z);
% This function performs an IV estimation
% input: y, vector with dependent variable
% x, matrix with explanatory variable (include vector of ones if
% you want constant
% z, matrix with instrumental variables (at least as many cols as x)
% output: biv, estimated parameters using IV
% bse, standard errors for biv
% r2, Rsquared
[n,kx] = size(x); % sample size - n, number of explan vars (incl constant) - kx
[n,kz] = size(z); % sample size - n, number of instrumental vars - kz
pz = z*inv(z'*z)*z'; % Projection matrix
xpzxi = inv(x'*pz*x); % this is also (Xhat'Xhat)^(-1)
biv = xpzxi*x'*pz*y; % IV estimate
res = y - x*biv; % IV residuals
ssq = res'*res/(n-kx); % Sample variance for IV residuals
s = sqrt(ssq); % Sample Standard deviation for IV res
bse = ssq*xpzxi; % Variance covariance matrix for IV estimates
bse = sqrt(diag(bse)); % Extract diagonal and take square root -> standard errors for IV estimators
ym = y - mean(y);
r2 = 1 - (res'*res)/(ym'*ym);
Hausmann endogeneity test
This function can be used to perform to test whether a set of explanatory variables is endogenous or not.
<source> function [teststat,pval] = hausmann_iv_exog_test(y,x1,x2,z); % This function performs a test on variable exogeneity % see Heji et al. p. 411 % input: y, vector with dependent variable % x1, matrix with explanatory variable (include vector of ones if % you want constant which are assumed to be exogenous % x2, matrix with explanatory variables that are to be tested on % exogeneity % z, matrix with instrumental variables (at least as many cols as x) % output: teststat, calculated test statistic % pval, p-value
x = [x1 x2]; xxi = inv(x'*x); b = xxi*x'*y; res = y - x*b;
zzi = inv(z'*z); gam = zzi*z'*x2; % This works even if we have more than one element in x2
% we get as many columns of gam as we have elements in x2
vhat = x2 - z*gam; [b,bse,res,n,rss,r2] = OLSest(res,[x vhat],0); teststat = size(res,1)*r2; pval = 1 - chi2cdf(teststat,size(x2,2)); <\source>