Here we will give a brief introduction into how to best handle data when using Python to solve Econometric problems. Here we will use a tool called Pandas. They are based on Numpy arrays. So first you got to make sure that the [[Numpy|Numpy]] and [[Panda|Panda]] modules are available.
You can use Pandas to any of the following:
- Merge data-sets
- Filter data-sets
- Calculate summary statistics
We will do this by way of an example. Here are two datafiles:
These are csy files downloaded from [[Yahoo| Yahoo]] which contain information about the S&P500 share price index and the IBM share prices. But let’s use Python and Pandas to explore the data.
Data Import
Use the following code
import numpy as np # import modules for use
import pandas as pd
data_SP = pd.read_csv('SP500.csv')
data_IBM = pd.read_csv('IBM.csv')
Hamilton J.D. (1994) Time Series Analysis, Princeton, Section 5.7 as well as Judge G.G, W.E. Griffiths, R.C. Hill, H. Lütkepohl and T.-C. Lee (1985) The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, John Wiley, Appendix B, give good introductions into the mechanics of nonlinear optimisation algorithms.
Martin V., Hurn S. and Harris D. (2012) Econometric Modelling with Time Series: Specification, Estimation and Testing (Themes in Modern Econometrics), Chapter 3 gives an excellent introduction into nonlinear optimisation strategies.