Numgrad m
Save the code below as numgrad.m in your working folder. This is required to make the GMM code work.
% Computes numerical gradient at each observation
function G = numgrad( f,x,varargin )
f0 = feval( f,x,varargin{:} ); % n by 1
n = length( f0 );
k = length( x );
fdf = zeros( n,k );
% Compute step size
dx = sqrt( eps )*( abs( x ) + eps );
xh = x + dx;
dx = xh - x;
ind = dx < sqrt(eps);
dx(ind) = sqrt(eps);
% Compute gradient
xdx = bsxfun( @plus, diag( dx ), x );
for i=1:k;
fdf(:,i) = feval( f, xdx(:,i), varargin{:} );
G0 = repmat( f0, 1, k ); % n by k
G1 = repmat( dx', n, 1 );
G = ( fdf-G0 )./G1;